feature requests

I often run into situations where I wish that a product or service that I’m using had a certain feature. In this page, I document those features.

Websites and Apps


  • A way to sort my saved albums by release date.

    • There’s a Spotify Community post about this, but it’s closed and doesn’t seem like there’s going to be any work on this anytime soon.
    • I suspect that a major difficulty here is that their date metadata for a lot of releases is not any more granular than year, so sorting within a year would be difficult, not to mention releases that had different release dates in different regions.
      • MusicBrainz attempts to solve this problem by separating the concepts of a “Release” and a “Release Group”.
  • A way to send recommendations to friends and see all the recommendations you’ve been sent in a single place in the Spotify apps.


  • An option to hide a specific movie’s ratings and reviews

    • Sometimes I’d like to watch a movie without knowing what anyone else thought of it, and that information can be hard to avoid if it’s a popular movie.
  • More complex search queries

Facebook Messenger for Web

  • Dark mode
    • The mobile and desktop apps have it! Why not web too?


  • A way to hide everything but tweets from people I’ve chosen to follow.
    • I found this list of terms to mute which can clean up the timeline, but it doesn’t work across apps, and it seems like Twitter will make it stop working soon if they haven’t already.
    • I know that there are third party apps that can get me the clean timeline that I want, but I actually like using the official Twitter interface except for a few nits like this.

The “TV” app on Apple TV

  • This app aggregates movies and tv shows from various providers (Hulu, iTunes, Amazon Prime Video, HBO Max, etc.) into a clean and unified interface, but does not include content from Netflix and I wish it did.
    • I found a discussion on Reddit about this where some other folks wrote about wanting this feature. I’m not sure if it’s blocked by something on Apple’s end or on Netflix’s, but I hope they work it out eventually.

If you have thoughts on any of these, let me know!